HAMS and GUNZ at MBS 2019
Hamstrings isn’t a muscle that needs to take up an entire workout so I always add it to a another muscle group. In this video watch me blow out my arms before doing some isolating exercise for hammies.
Special thank you to MBS for allowing me to film in their gym
Barbell Bicep Curls
3 sets x of 10-15 reps
(Increasing weight each set)
Barbell Arm Blaster Curls
Superset x 3
Wide grip x of 15 reps
Close grip x of 15 reps
NOTE: At the end of the 3rd superset I continued doing another set of wide and close grip barbell curls without using the Arm Blaster.
Machine One Arm Preacher Curls
1 set x to failure
Cable Rope Bicep Curls
3 sets x to failure
Cable Bar push Downs
4 sets to failure
(Increasing weight each set)
Superset x 3
High Cable Triceps Extensions x to failure
Close Grip Bar Push Downs x to failure
Cable Rope Push Downs
4 sets to failure
Lying Leg Curl
5 sets x of 20 reps
Standing One Leg Curl
4 sets to failure