DELTS at MBS 2019

I have written out a fortnight weight program for me and Skip. It involves working our delts 3 times in the fortnight. Twice heavy and one time light. This is an example of a “heavy’ workout.

Special thank you to MBS for allowing me to film in their gym



Smith Machine Shoulder Press
3 warm up sets, then 3 sets at maximum weight to failure

Cable Lateral Raises
3 sets x of 15-20 reps
3 sets drop sets, each set to failure

Cable Rear Delts
4 sets x of 20 reps

Barbell Upright Row
Superset x 4, increasing weight each set
Narrow grip to failure
Wide grip to failure

NOTE. You will see after one superset I noticed some light Dumbbells on the ground and went straight into some Straight Arm Dumbbell Lateral Raises to failure.


Seated Calf Raise
3 sets x to failure

Machine Calf Raise
3 sets to failure

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