My arms are bursting from the skin and I wanna show them off. You can go heavy when training any muscle but you should always use volume when training a smaller muscle group. Volume means high reps, super-sets, pyramids, any way you can keep your muscles under constant tension for as long as you can bear the pain.
It was 1am when I filmed this video and I was in the middle of my battle with Skip’s meth addiction. I was hurting bad. But I can tell you all that the weights were the biggest help I had during that year to keep me from falling.
2 x Super set
One Arm Dumbbell Preacher Hammer Curls x of 10 reps each arm
One Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curls x of 10 reps each arm
2 x Super set
Barbell Preacher Curls x of 10-15 reps
Dumbbell Preacher Curls x of 10 reps each arm
Low Cable Concentration Curls (both arms)
1 set x to failure (both and one arms)
Low Cable Concentration Curls
1 set x each arm to failure
Cable Rope Hammer Curls
3 sets x to failure
Barbell Curls
1 set x to failure
Dumbbell Curls
1 set x raising weight 4 times (e.g. 25kilos – 30kilos – 35kilos – 40kilos)
x of 8 reps each arm
Dumbbell Hammer Curls
2 sets to failure (lowering weight)
This workout is a prime example of not sticking to any routine but doing random exercises in any order, weight and rep range and getting a HUGE PUMP!