Pec Puppies at City Gym 2013

For this video instead of stacking the weight on as I normally do I opt for volume, supersets and controlled full range of motion going to failure.


2 x Tri set
Mid Cable Chest Flys x of 10-15 reps
High Cable Chest Flys x of 10-15 reps
Low Cable Chest Flys x of 10-15 reps

Bench Press
3 sets x of 8 reps increasing weight each set

Machine Incline Press
3 sets x of 8-12 reps

Machine Chest Press
One arm x of 6-8 reps/arm then both arms to failure

3 sets to failure

Try and incorporate cable work into your chest program either at the beginning or end of your workout. Setting the grips at mid chest works your outta and inner pec. High works your lower pec. Low works your upper pec.

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