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Dirk Alexander Brixton Party (London 2012)

Dirk approached me just before he started shooting Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus and Vivienne Westwood. He is the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet and FK is he talented! Anyway, I invite him to come stay with me in London, so this kid rocks up, who has never met me before, to find me, TOMMY, our housemate and her girl friends all getting loose at the apartment! The first thing I say to him as I open the door is, “Just go with it mate.” Two seconds later I’m oiled up and naked and we start shooting. The big RR balloons were TOMMY’S idea and the concept was “crazy house party” and we were all method acting that night! DIRK has since come to expect nothing less from his meetings with me.

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  • bbfuckalot says:

    PLEASE RELEASE THIS VIDEO? I signed up purposely thinking there were straight pt Bi sex scenes on this site…. PLEASE

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