A guy once said he had never actually traveled a distance to get a pair of my ripe socks from a guy before, but he did me because he was told i was the smelliest. I am not going to state that my stink is the strongest. I just remembered a mate came to a club I was gogo dancing at and he said as soon as he walked down the stairs and into the club all he could smell was me, my stink literally filled the entire club! I do remember I was sweating heaps that night! BUTi will state that my stink is the best. And this comes from years of pigs form all over the globe telling me this and from guys who were never into, or even didn´t like sweat or man stink, who were complete stink pigs when they smelt me!
And you can´t smell me in person the nest best thing is to grab my used stinking clothes from my SHOP PAGE!