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By ASK ROGAN 2 Comments

My brother calls me and literally says, “So… Everyone in London thinks you’re gonna off yourself!” Followed closely with, “I’m thinking to myself did I miss the signs?” The bloody twat can make the most depressing wet rag laugh.

I know a lot of you will reach out with supportive words as you always have and have always been greatly appreciated, even the amount of you that have taken the time to message and offered your personal support. Please know that just making this post has helped me greatly. I am not someone who finds it easy to talk about my depression. And they say talking to someone is the best thing you can do but you are usually met with typical encouraging words of being of strong will and mind and all the things you know you should be but the depression is stopping you from being, so their words end up being condescending and repetitive and less than helpful. BUT for me, making this post and talking to you guys makes it manifest from my mind into reality and I am forced to stand up and fight it ‘cause now have an audience which wakes the warrior in me! Hey I never said my mind isn’t fucked up. I also wanted to tell you guys why I have been vacant from social media and why several pages at my website are down, namely the shop page, cam vids & cust vids, because I have not been in a state of mind to perform those tasks. For the first time since my battle wit depression as a teenager, my usual weapons against depression didn’t work, namely bodybuilding and fucking. (Head-case!) And for the first time I am using anti-depressants. And therapy. And have the most supportive family and friends support. And I have to make a call out to Luara who has been my sister in arms for the last several years and Alex who has been quintessential in finding me and pulling me out of that dark place. His patience and support have been very tested, I was literally Linda Blair’ing the fuck outta him as if he was my priest. I can’t thank him, my family and friends and you guys enough.

Watch this come-back…

what did you wank off to as a teen!?!

By ASK ROGAN No Comments

SO it’s been a very long time since I had this comic. It was lost somewhere along that long life’s journey from eye-opening-discovering-teenage-puberty of yesterday to establishing fetish-sex-alpha-BEAST-GOD today! YOU could say I have come full circle ands become a Werewolf by Night! SO the edition of this comic, Werewolf By Night (When I saw Marvel had made a life action movie, I was certain it would in no way, shape or wolf represent the young adult porn material that it had been for me.)  THE edition I had was a larger and had more stories/topless fight scenes/porn material in it than this one that I managed to track down online via Gat’s Collectables for 55$! If you take a look at the edition you’d be lucky to find it cheaper than 600$ so when I saw it for 55 I thought it was a scam or a wet dream come true! Luckily for my massive ball sack it was the former!

SO, I’m sure if you’re a fan of mine, the fact that this comic was one of my major coming of, gay/muscle/pecs/fight/beast age would not be of great surprise. I don’t know where or how I discovered that male pecs were a MAJOR turn on for me. OR combined with muscular men fighting each other to est alpha dominance would inspire huge hard-on wank sessions for me! BUT this comic tapped into that very fetish. CUM on, the werewolf was buff (and hairy!) and he only fought guys who were (usually) buffer than him and in the process would always rip their top off to0 reveal their huge muscles, more specifically their thick huge pecs. THEN they would smash their muscle bound torsos up against the others during their physical display of dominance. I seriously deposited loads of… loads over these images in this comic!


By ASK ROGAN No Comments

I remember I had this, special, client.  Not retarded but not socially adjusted to what may or may not be proper behaviour or conduct when interacting with another man sexually. God knows if he played with women and what happened then? You can imagine the vast amount of situations I have found myself in and I generally can’t remember last month let alone last decade! But I do remember this kid have a really smelly cheesy cock. I mean, his cheese makes the cheese I have in this video look pathetic. You could have used a tea spoon on his dick. Now at the time a “cheesy dick” to me was not even considered a fetish it was purely bad hygiene and disgusting. No, I did not suck it, or come close to touching it.

Now I think back and wonder if it was in fact his lack of social etiquette or if he was a filthy fetish pig? It wouldn’t be till literally a decade later that I had a lover that was into dick cheese and open my mind to it as a fetish. Since that happened I have really gotten into achieving a cheesy cock and making a sub first sniff, then clean it with his mouth. Then taste it on his mouth when I kiss him straight after. I think I especially get off on it, ’cause its hard for me to smell anything. NO, my rank BO hasn’t burnt my nostrils numb, my nose was cauterised as a child to stop constant blood noses I would suffer from and since then I have a very weak to pretty non-existent sense of smell. BUT I can smell my cock when its cheesy! And it FKIN smells amazing.

The other attraction for me is how bloody hard it for me to get a cheesy dick due to the fact that I am sticking it in guys mouths and ass holes so often there’s no opportunity for it to accumulate. SO being home with Mamma Flex for family time and an over-due rest. Remember that sabatical I was taking in Dec last year. Well, it was far from it due to major trouble in paradise. So when I arrived back in Aust the day before. my Bday I was very happy to start a well welcomed rest – still ongoing. This down time allowed me to get as cheesy cock as you see in this little clip. (Also note my ball sack is normal sized as I have not been cock and ball pumping since being home!). And as I wasn’t planning to break my celibacy I had to do something with my cheesy cock, right?! I even surprised myself when I thought to eat my own cheese and wank off to it… But I got me off! I will however say it was disappointingly not as tasteful as it is stinky.


By ASK ROGAN No Comments

see more of the below HERE!

Sex positive is the new Slut. And I couldn’t agree more! But also I think we need to start being appendage positive! Meaning stop dick SELF-shaming. Please take a moment to see that I said “SELF” shaming. Because you cant stop anyone else from dick shaming you but their idiotic shaming won’t affect you if you love your dick. I know its so easy for someone like me to say love your dick when I have a cock that is globally adored. BUT I do feel the right to talk about this because when I was younger I did self-shame and I was very insecure about my cock size. I was afraid to get naked in front of other people, and I was afraid of sex.

So I am firm believer that you need to either accept what you have and be proud of it and work it to its capabilities. You have to be realistic here. For example I find it almost impossible to spoon fuck a guy because my cock is not long so any sexual positions that require a cock to have considerable length I need to be realistic and tap out.

Or change what you are not happy about. Since I started to I love to cock and ball pump! And dick pumping does work! maybe not if you’ve gone in and bought a cheap ass shitty dick pump from the local sex shop, but if you do some research and buy a good one it will swell your cock and or balls to much bigger proportions. Just look at my junk in my films pre 2020’s and after… There is also surgery and permanent fillers but as I have not done any of those I don’t like to talk about something I have no experience or practice with. I am totally up for it though! And would totally do it if I was confident with the person doing it to me and the result I would get.

And one thing that isn’t often talked about is how the size can grow noticeably just from accepting or loving your cock. True fact.

The point I am making is love who you are or alter what you don’t like so you can. I obviously love my cock today. I have gone from one end of the scale to the extreme opposite!

While I have you, did you read the blog post I did about being sex positive and single below…

“Let me tell you about love”


By ASK ROGAN No Comments

Let your BEAST KING tell you how to wank his cock off..

And if you found that one of the following; a massive turn on, educational, entertaining, stupid, life changing or just a great time filler, tune into my Only Fans for my LIVE THURSDAY SEX TALK this Thu 7th March at midnight London time. DM me at my Only Fans any topics you want me to talk about. You can DM me on X or the Gram BUT I get SOOOO many DMs on there (its hard being pretty!) I often don’t have time to read them all. No, seriously, that’s not me being a big wanker, its the God-damn truth!

I will trey and make this a weekly thing if i get a BIG response to it. And each Thu the time will vary to accommodate my global fan base! I will also film the event and post it up at my BLOG page here on my official website the following Thursday. On the 7th I will answer a bunch of topics I received on the Gram ages ago that i couldn’t respond to on there. (for obv reasons).