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Rogan Richards


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You would have seen me bash my pecs to help me blow before. It’s the Tarzan/Gorilla pec punch technique that I do in my latest XXX post WORK OUT WITH YOUR COCK OUT (WOWYCO) You get to see the home gym I created for myself during my sabbatical in Australia last year! And I look FKIN HOT!

NEW VIDEO- Work Out With Your Cock Out

By Bodybuilding by ROGAN RICHARDS, XXX No Comments

I take you through an arm workout in the home gym I made in Mamma Flex’s garage, during my sabbatical in Australia last year. I discovered bands during this time and FUCK I loved using them for a massive pump. I train naked and sweat like the muscle pig you love me for! There have been 2 times in my life when I reached physical perfection in my own eyes. The first was captured in the video Pumped Pecs at my BODYBUILDING page. The second is how I look in this video.



By Bodybuilding by ROGAN RICHARDS No Comments

I can’t tell you how much I love hearing from guys for over a decade now who reach out and tell me I have inspired their passion for Bodybuilding, or that I am there body goal. It inspires me to keep smashing the iron and pushing myself and my body to greater goals. I also have spoken many times in the past how I have really wanted to connect with my followers and offer them 1 on 1 online coaching to share my knowledge and history with bodybuilding and how I made my body. Now that I finally have a new home, and stability, I hope to be able to focus on starting this up at my website.