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By RORI and POP-CULTURE! No Comments

So I’ve said I was socially awkward as a kid, I suffered from depression and low self esteem, i was frigid. So what happened? How did I do a complete turn around and become Australia’s number 1 porn export, a Muscle Daddy that inspires people from across the globe, a sex God that men aspire to be or experience?

I credit these 3 songs and their accompanying videos…

the BANE

By ASK ROGAN No Comments

The latest RO-RI film on my XXX page is JOM (JURK Of the MONTH) Volume 2. A collection of videos of me jacking one out. It made me think back to when I was a teenager and used to think masturbation was an evil sin. Yes, I was that fucked in the head! Very sheltered catholic up bringing. You already know back then I was super shy and socially awkward, you also know I discovered masturbation by doing crunches and thought that was the only way I could make myself cum. (I’ve written about all that before.) But I have never spoken about …


WTF is the BANE? Well, it’s a Joe Donnelly horror book that I used to see on my Dad’s bookshelf … and its what I called the act of masturbation when I was a teenager. I also thought masturbation was a bad thing and hated myself for violating my body night after night. It gets better. All through high school I would keep a diary. No, not any diary, a TV HITS diary! And I would religiously write in this FKIN diary all the drama of my young life. And in this diary I would document my constant struggle with … the BANE!

It would be like, ”The BANE came again tonight and I couldn’t fight it!” or “I am going to beat the BANE!” stuff like, “I won’t let the BANE win anymore!” And of course on the very odd occasion there would be the entry, “I have beaten the BANE it hasn’t gotten me for the last three days!” Followed by, “It got me tonight.” You can’t make this shit up. I used to think jacking off was seriously bad to the point where I hated myself for doing it. And I used to have a TV HITS diary though I didn’t hate myself for that, I thought that was kinda cool. And I used to write shit like this in it! (I also used to write other crazy stuff but lets stay on topic.)

I can’t remember when I finally realised there’s nothing wrong with playing with my dick. There wasn’t a huge epiphany, a wise older man in a toilet block explaining its all very natural and good for me, maybe Madonna’s SEX book had some part in it. Or maybe I just gave up fighting but eventually I embraced the BANE, accepted I was going t o have a healthy life long relationship with it and got to work.

NEW VIDEO!- The Mattress 2

By XXX No Comments

ROGAN meets JEFF, a sexy, stocky Frenchman who looks like he’ll be up for anything. When JEFF says he wants to get pounded like the blokes in ROGAN’S films ROGAN is happy to give him the FLEX! experience.

When in Paris all you need is a Frenchman, a mattress on the floor, a mirror and a lot of spit, sweat and ROGAN RICHARDS’ hungry cock.

Mission accomplished.

EDUCATION = PREVENTION. Always remember if you are going to fuck bare back you are always putting yourself and your partner at risk. Get regular sexual health check ups. Know your sexual health status. Communicate with your sexual partner and own your truth.