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KIKASS songs you need to know about…

By RORI and POP-CULTURE! One Comment

this selection of songs are ones that I used to watch as a puppy FLEX! when I was discovering I was gay and would get turned on by the guys singing in these videos. Most of who i could press over my head with one arm these days but back then they were buff and hot and I don’t know what i wanted more? To look like them or do them… Enjoy… I still do!

SO if any of you have any doubts that im 100% FAG this post should fix that!

KIKASS songs you need to know about…

By RORI and POP-CULTURE! No Comments

I don’t know if any of you guys give a shit about these music videos i keep posting up but i guess music plays such a MASSIVE part of my life and it’s always playing in the background and I’m like, I should share this KIKASS track with my followers! And that’s how these posts come about…

Here’s some AUSSIE POP classics that made me the man I am today!