This was the first show i ever did with SKIPPY BAXTER. When he was offered to work with a porn company here in Australia I was with him when he was thinking of what he should call himself. I came up with SKIPPY cause he’s 100% Aussie made and the definition of the Aussie “boy next door”. The company he filmed for didn’t like it and called him “Tommy Baxter”. Skippy is way more KIKASS and besides, Tommy was my X boyfriends name, so I really didn’t want to call Skip that. As I am the master of self promotion, SKIPPY BAXTER (I kept the surname they gave him) exploded onto social media and it didn’t take long for the porn company to cave in and start calling him by the same name.
SKIPPY BAXTER had arrived!
Around the same time i was approached by TROUGH to do be in their promotional video for an upcoming night that had a “muscle” theme. I got SKIP involved in the promotion and that lead to us performing at the TROUGH X night. It was just an excuse to introduce SKIPPY BAXTER to the Melbourne public and just get on stage with some Johnson’s baby oil and have some fun with him!
for the TROUGH X promo with me and Skippy CLICK HERE.