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To say HAPPY FKIN NYR! you can join my website now for dirt cheap! But these prices won’t last too long, so if you’ve been clicking on my BLOG and thinking to yourself, “Fuck, this guy is the hottest muscle gorilla I’ve seen ages, and it’s not just his incredible thick hairy muscular physique, and his no apologising Alpha attitude, or all the dirty piggy fetish’s he indulges in with animalistic, even primal enthusiasm. Or the fact that he can get me off in a matter of minutes when it usually takes hours searching porn sites online, or all the inspiring bodybuilding videos that will help motivate me to reach my own goals, and also get me off! Or the visceral sea of great photography, or his sense of humour and humble outlook on life and himself. It’s not even his dedication to his members and the different ways he tries to interact with them and involve them in what he does. It’s the fact that he used to shit his pants as a kid too and now he is the shit, that makes me wanna join his site…” WELL now’s the time to do it!

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