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Are you here for a reason or are you just hoping for a glimmer? My story according to my cock.

By March 12, 2020No Comments

I have been meaning to sit down and start writing my life story. My friends are ALWAYS telling me to write down all my crazy stories and experiences because FUCK do I have a lot! The night I tore my cock open I sat down and started writing… and I have kept writing since. Here is the first paragraph of my upcoming novella “Are you here for a reason or are you hoping for a glimmer?” My story according to my cock.

“I have a hole in my dick. I guess that’s a good as any place to start this story. My name is Rogan Richards, or that is the name I gave myself ten years ago and am sticking with it, and this is the story of how a shy, scared little boy became a global gay icon. But really this is the story of a dick and how that dick created a man. A scared man. I’m scared that I have spent my whole life making a career around my cock that has led to this place and time. That taking away my cock, the one thing that defined me as a man, a pornstar, a global sex object, a brand, will turn me back into that scared, socially awkward little boy I hated and refused to be. I was going to write the story of my life but now I realize I am writing the story of my dick’s life and the person it has taken along with it for this crazy ride. So, let’s start at the beginning. As a child, I never liked my dick. Did you?”

Ok, rather dramatic but the accident had only just happened earlier that night, I’d lost a lot of blood, was high on pain killers, alone in my Airbnb in Sydney and freaking out about the huge tear in my moneymaker! Besides the incredibly unbelievable, hilarious, hurtful but always entertaining stories from my life, this will be a story of the importance we place on our cocks as gay men, in particular as a top, for good and bad, and about learning to love yourself and stop self-shaming. A story of finding your sexuality and defining it and whether it defines you or you define it. Love, sex, filth, hate, barbarians and chlamydia, self-discovery and fighting every day to believe in yourself and own your truth in a world that more often than not, doesn’t want to let you.

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