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GRUNTS for life.

By photography by ROGAN RICHARDS No Comments


STRAIGHT UP KIKASS songs you need to know about…

By RORI and POP-CULTURE! No Comments

I was 13 when my cousins drew a moustache on my face and dressed me in an over sized suit jacket and took me clubbing for the first time. The song “Straight Up” had just hit the clubs and was playing at every venue we went too. It was back in the day when it was common practice for cubs to have tv screens up on the wall showing the videos to the songs playing and I became obsessed with the song and music video. I remember going back to school and telling everyone about my “Night on the Town” (thats what it was titled in Australia) experience, feeling like the Keith Coogan, and all about this amazing new singer called Paula Abdul.

it’s ALL about ADAM!

By Uncategorized No Comments

If you haven’t heard about Adam Noreen, you need to check this guys music out. I discovered him on instagram, as you do, and yes, I did notice how much of a big sexy bloke he was. But after he told me he was a singer I checked out his stuff and was impressed. I was massively into folk-rock (hope he doesn’t mind me using that adjective) when i was younger and his music took me straight back to that part of my life. It’s awesome how good music can do that, transport you to a time in your life, shared or alone, happy or sad but always nostalgic. It didn’t take me long to ask if he had something harder that i could use for a bodybuilding comeback video when I get back into the gym after I’ve recovered from this op. He said yes!

Stay tuned. But in the meantime check his stuff HERE!