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By ASK ROGAN No Comments

He was in 2 outta the 3 top watched films at my website for the year! And our film SPOTLIGHT was the film most watched from start to finish. Yep, its pretty FKIN obvious you guys LOVE SKIPPY BAXTER! And even though mostly everyone I knew told me to walk away from him this year when he was in the clutches of a meth addiction, you guys didn’t and I’m so FKIN happy i listened to my heart and stuck by him. We are far from in the clear but he is better today than he ever has been. I don’t know if we both hit rock bottom but if we didn’t I’d be FKIN terrified to see what that is ’cause we both got to a really dark place. Skip way more then me but I just wanted you all to know he’s doing really FKIN good and I’m there beside him every step of the way.

The last time we spoke about any of this was the AR3 segment and there was an important question asked, “When do you know it’s time to walk away?” At the time both me and Skip said when the addicted person isn’t willing to help himself. That answer was wrong. 2 days after filming that segment Skip went AWOL and was using again. At the time of filming the segment we were both so overwhelmed with emotions that we were too deep into it to see it for what it was. It was only afterwards when I was editing the footage that I released at that time, I believe Skip did want to quit but he wasn’t doing anything to help himself quit, if anything he was doing things to allow him to keep using. And so was I.

I learnt about the word, “Enabling”. When i chased him to saunas to make sure he was coherent and not being abused, when i allowed him to sleep off his comedown at my house, when i filled his car up with petrol so he could get home (he didn’t go home.) All these things I did because i loved him and wanted to help him were actually enabling him to continue to use. I was told trying to have a relationship with an active addict was insanity.

So with more knowledge I can now fully say that our answer was shit. It’s not time to walk away when the addicts not trying to help themselves because if that was so – i would have walked away ages ago. It’s time to walk away when you have no more fight left in you, when you are finally pushed to the point of no return. It’s a double edged sword because if you continue to fight like i did you can absolutely end up hating the person and destroying any type of relationship with them. And trust me there were times when i hated him so much. But Ive said this before and i’ll say it now, i have a warrior complex, it’s what i used to combat my depression and social awkwardness and its what i used to fight Skips meth addiction. Well, that and a shit load of love i have for the fart face.

Touch back with me in 6 months, or realistically, a year from now and I will be able to say how our story ends. For now I’m with Skip and I’m waiting for him to fully heal and come back to me. And for the first time he’s doing everything he can to heal and come back, not only to me but to his life and all the people who love him and all the potential he has to offer it.

He may or may not want to come back to porn and in the end that doesn’t matter, life has a funny way of changing your direction and making you turn right when you were about to turn left.  The people that win at life are not just the ones that learn from their mistakes but acknowledge and accept them. That can see opportunities for what they are and FKIN grab them. There’s no mercy for doubt, insecurity or hesitation.

Like Courtney Alice Shayne and Marcie Fox said, “Learn it. Live it. Love it.” Learn who you are. Live the life you want to live. Love yourself for it.

So, 2 outta 3 huh! That’s me boy!

QUEER PIGS TOP 20 Most Popular Gay Porn Stars of 2016

By XXX No Comments

CLICK HERE! to see QUEER PIG‘s TOP 20 most popular Gay Porn Stars of 2016. where do you think I am? well, if you’re reading the list here and are a fan of mine i guess you’re thinking nu1. as you should! but I’m not, but im pretty FKIN stoked at the ranking i got seeming i only had 1 studio film released this year, so my ranking comes from my self produced content from my website and the fact that im FKIN amazing! dnt worry, i wont let it go to my head… well, not the one on my shoulders…

And can i take this post to once again give a MASSIVE CALL OUT to QUEER PIG for all the support and promotion they have done over, not only this year when I went solo with my website, but my entire career!



By Uncategorized No Comments

I hope all my followers have a KIKASS NYRS! and I can’t wait to entertain you all for another year. ME and my website are just getting BIGGER and BETTER and I’m gonna keep taking you all on this crazy amazing adventure that is my life mission for world domination!

the BEST of 2016 the rest.

By RORI and POP-CULTURE! No Comments

ROGUE ONE was a complete surprise. After being let down with the new Star Wars, sentiment was the only thing making me want to go see this film but quarter into it I was creaming my nerd jocks AND for once they didn’t fuck up the ending but have one of the most best endings I’ve ever seen.

Detention wasn’t released this year but I discovered this KIKASS film in 2016.

SMASHED 1st place in my 1st bodybuilding competition!

I tried to make a porn studio comeback working with the company that discovered me and that i will always tribute to starting my porn career, and was set to shoot 2 films with Kristen Bjorn which would be my very first 2 bareback films with a  studio. That comeback went a little like this…

The companies were awesome and the models I was paired with were hot but after doing my own style of porn for almost 2 years I just couldn’t go back to being directed. And with my website launching in January I didn’t need to anymore.

Lets have a look at the 3 most popular films of 2016.


At nu3 Motel Muscle 4 Way does it get any better than a muscle 4 way between 2 of porn’s best-known couples. Feat my man SKIPPY BAXTER and JESSE JACKMAN and DIRK CABER

At nu2 Rogan Vs Bricklayer 1001, my first “Exclusive Director’s” film by MATT SPIKE featuring the lads from BRICKLAYER 1001

And at nu1 is Bulldozered with my man the SKIPSTER again!

To top of the year EAGLE LEATHER collaborated with me for my very first 2017 calendar in 3D! Featuring images by SIMON-OLOGY.


They also produced my short film “DADDY FLEX! WAS A COWBOY”

AND going into 2017 they will be finally giving you my very first dildo!


By XXX No Comments

3 XXX films every month for the first 3 months of 2017!

To celebrate my first birthday I’ve tripled my loads and got the hottest blokes to take them. MOTEL MUSCLE PLAYPIT has triple the hairy daddy muscle with me JESSE JACKMAN and DIRK CABER. Equally as hot is my 3 way with RUSS MAGNUS and Gabriel Fisk in HOUSE FUCK PART TWO. I dedicate an entire film to eating out my man, SKIPPY BAXTER‘s ass, get tied up by ALEX SCOTT and my pecs and abs beaten and tortured. (Is it torture if i like it?) Part Two, the anticipated sequel to the super popular DIRTY DAWGS where you really see me smash MARC FERRER‘s hot ass to equal the intensity of my BULLDOZERED film with Skip. And another Members Suggestion film JACKOFF! a solo film with me watching one of my favourite porns, using my favourite nipple claps!