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By Bodybuilding by ROGAN RICHARDS, XXX No Comments

I mean my body is fucking hot all the time but I was really on point during the time in London, just before the unexpected breakup and having to leave back for home in Australia. But I am in the progress of getting my home gym together and starting my journey to get back to this look and beyond!

IF you wanna contribute or make tribute to my muscle growth you can always do so by sending me cash via

NEW VIDEO!- Massive Bicep Pump (2024)

By Bodybuilding by ROGAN RICHARDS No Comments

Using only light weights, 5 and 10 kilo plates, 7.5 kilo dumbbells and one 20 kilo plate (that literally feels like it weighs 50!) ROGAN demonstrates how to get massive bicep pump with high volume reps and super-setting. No fancy exercises, just basic arm curls. Watch as his god-like physique as it swells up right in front of your eyes. Veins popping, sweat dripping, bodybuilding grunting.


SO this is the clip that made ROGAN shave off his chest hair!

By Bodybuilding by ROGAN RICHARDS, MUSCLE WORSHIP No Comments

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There was this big uproar about me shaving my chest. Admittedly, as I am known for being the “hairy’ and one of the first guys to proudly be fully hairy, not to be mistaken with designer hairy, in a commercial porn environment. I get it. Some people feel betrayed. Some just prefer the hair. BUT others are goin ape over how swollen and full my tits look clean shaven, including me!

One guy wrote me saying now all gays will think they need to shave their chest! Firstly, thanks for suggesting I have such a massive sway on gay culture! Secondly, more than standing for being proud to be hairy, I stand for being proud to be yourself. And what ever way you decide you want to look or makes you happy with yourself. Hairy, smooth, fat, skinny, manicured or scruffy. YOU BE YOU!

You can’t please everyone so just please yourself. And you do what you need to yourself to make you happy with yourself.

I’m, loving the smooth tits for now but the hair will be back eventually. Till then bask in all my chest shinny, voluptuous, glory!