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By January 8, 20166 Comments


I never wanted to be a PORN STAR I only started doing films to gain fans to join my then, very basic web site. When my career exploded in 2012 I knew I could make a career outta being ROGAN RICHARDS. I could pursue all my creative dreams and use my body to open doors and generate interest in who I was and what I was doing. I also knew that my first web site (Thank you Peter!) wasn’t powerful enough to keep up with my rising profile. At the beginning of 2013 I took it down with the understanding that I would have a new web site in 4-6 weeks by a company I had hired.

Over 3 years later I still had nothing.

In my entire career I had never felt so frustrated, demoralized and BUTT fucked as I have working with that company. I had asked porn stars, porn companies, artist’s and their pet gold fish for help and though I have always had a real positive response form everyone in the industry no could give me a straight answer or solution to the problems I was having.


At the beginning of 2015 I got a message from IN-CHARGE.NET on my Facebook page asking if I wanted a web site. At first I declined explaining my situation. Luckily (and let this be a lesson to anyone reading this, persistence and taking the initiative DOES pay off!) IN-CHARGE.NET came back 2 weeks later with a mock up web site that was 10 times better than the actual site I was working on that had taken 3 years for this other company to develop. I also had just found out about several major flaws in the site. It was then that I finally gave up and accepted the loss of 3 years income and professional damages and over $6000 spent and walked away. (Did I mention I was royally BUTT fucked!?)

I contacted IN-CHARGE.NET and said, “Lets do this!” and a couple of months later here we are!

This web site allows me to give back to the industry that created me, and that I am proud to be apart of, the PORN industry. I get to show my fans the real sex machine that I am – there’s no script or acting here. It allows me to take my bodybuilding to the next level with my own online coaching (In development) and most importantly allows me to showcase my passion in photography, film, performance and editing. It allows me to be me 100% FULL THROTTLE!

“it’s ALL about The FLEX!” and it’s my chance to finally show the world what I’m made off!


Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Chris Cosby says:

    I knew all along someone with you’re inner strength and persona would come out on top, I wish I’d known you were having these issues, a friend of mine could have made you an awesome website, but you found a solution which is all that matters, I’m personally thrilled you’re a porn star, think you’re awesome really… you’re new website……ill be following you….i would be interested in Personal Trainer help too, I need to get in shape……so all the best, love you

  • Rod Whitman says:

    You have it all, buddy – looks, brains, muscle AND determination. The site and the work you have on it is GREAT. What I like is the way you include your art – the photographer side and your performamce art – and the way you defy the limits of male sex expression. You understand guys like us that don’t want to be labelled and who can be muscular, masculine and still wear a wig and show off our BIG COCKS and not be ashamed and STILL be just as much a MAN.

    So great too that there is personal training/working out stuff…what I like to call #GymInspiration. That ROCKS

    You are AWESOME and so is the new website. Congrats!

  • Mark says:

    Well done mate, always new you could do it (even from those first messages I sent you back in the day on gaydar). Very interested in your online coaching too!

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