BUT who am i to judge? I dont judge anyone and never have. Oh, I def have a very strong opinion about things but everyone to their own. So lets talk about how stupid social media has become.
Let’s start at the beginning. I was one of the first generation Gramers that rode the new social media wave of self made entrepreneurs, now known as influencers, and had huge success in establishing my name and creating my brand using those social media platforms. The one that helped me the most was instagram. I was also really popular on youtube and these two platforms alone allowed me to reach a wide fan base that porn hubs and twitter wouldn’t have allowed.
Over the years every single platform Ive had has been taken down, some for me being to raunchy, some for no logical reason at all. Instagram 5 times! Once for not being me! And so as they can help create your popularity they can as easily help you vanish. Don’t even get me started on Facebook. What a bunch of fuckheads. For some reason I never used MySpace? Other platforms worth mentioning are Tumblr before they found morality, which in my opinion has been replaced with a much more pure Pinterest. Snapchat which I tried to get on board with but couldn’t keep up with the demand of content to make it worthwhile. Which is now i guess TikTok. And here is the inspiration for this post…
Look, I have been witness to the worst, dumbest and vicious parts of humanity from working in the industry I work in. So nothing surprises me anymore but when I look at what guys (I don’t really know what the ladies are posting but can only assume it is as bad, dare I say maybe worse?) post… This trend of posting the most dumb mundane things like waking up in bed. Swapping clothes mid shot. Wearing a top, now it’s a different top, now topless. Walking. I think I saw one with a guy sitting in a gym breathing. These posts all started with TikTok trends that massive amounts of guys and girls who were desperate for attention and validation would participate in.
This lead to the Gram stories. Which is what I have now resorted to doing. Why? Well basically because I am a brand and I often approach companies or creatives to collaborate with me (no I’m not talking about screwing them!) and a large social media following is the modern day resume. So in order to rebuild those numbers that were brutally stolen from me I have started trying to think of really boring things to do as I stand in my underwear and admittedly look really really sexy.
I have been around for over a decade, and am eternally grateful to be able to say that and still have so much popularity and continue to create new fans, so I do wonder should I be doing some of these things my peers are doing so I stay in the sand pit. (Or accept I’m too old for the same pit!)
The other day I posted me stretching my arms above my head topless, wearing only underwear. And the response I got was massive. And the validation I felt was addictive! Maybe Im missing something from these modern trends and theres something about posting really simple acts that represent nothing other than how sexy I am. Maybe it’s using sex a pure basic and intimate level and there is something truthful and real about that.
Or maybe its moronic.
Im still going to do it.