I’m obsessed with getting massive BOULDER SHOULDERS (and inappropriately huge calf’s) like cartoon superheroes. I was really tired the night I shot this video and I talk a lot of shit, but I still grabbed my camera and hit my delts hard and filmed it for you guys.
Like I say in the video when it comes to bodybuilding, you never know enough to know everything. The great thing with Josh Thomas is he has been training me using volume, large supersets, which is completely different to how I would normally train. You can see the effect – I’m 90 kilos plus (still haven’t gotten to 95+) and my entire physique “pops!”
RIP the legend JOSH THOMAS. An inspiring bodybuilder, a great coach, and amazing man.
It’s past midnight and I couldn’t find a root* so I decided to channel my insatiable testosterone into a PECS workout. Everyone knows I am ALL about my #PECPUPPIES and love pumping them up thick and massive and showing them off to you guys! There’s no disappointing here, I’m topless within seconds, flexing within minutes and then… NAKED!?
Massive thank you to OASIS Fitness Centre.
*Root; Aussie slang for a “fuck”.
In this video, I demonstrate how to perform a seated cable chest fly or at least a version of one. As I have said before there are no rules in the gym, some fundamental basics you should adhere too, but how I perform or instruct you to do an exercise can differ to how another bodybuilder instructs you.
It’s all about trial and error and finding what works for you – meaning what way activates the most muscle growth.
Wanna know how I get those massive guns? My BIS pop but the bulk comes from the larger muscle, my TRIS. My arms explode here as I push the entire stack of weights for triceps pushdowns. That’s right, who’s your MUSCLE BEAST! Needless to say, FLEXING ensues…