My arms are bursting from the skin and I wanna show them off. You can go heavy when training any muscle but you should always use volume when training a smaller muscle group. Volume means high reps, super-sets, pyramids, any way you can keep your muscles under constant tension for as long as you can bear the pain.
It was 1am when I filmed this video and I was in the middle of my battle with Skip’s meth addiction. I was hurting bad. But I can tell you all that the weights were the biggest help I had during that year to keep me from falling.
uy are always coming up to me and asking. “How much do you curl bra?” “How much do you bench?” And when I tell them, they look at me funny, saying that’s what they do or even heavier but I’m double their size. I can’t tell you guys enough, it’s not what you’re pushing, it’s how you’re pushing it!
This is how a MUSCLE BEAST does it.
Guys are always complaining to me, “My legs won’t grow!” And I bet you if they trained legs with me they, firstly wouldn’t be able too to keep up and secondly, wouldn’t walk for a week afterward because it will be the first time they are actually “training’ their legs.
It’s easy to push weight around, it’s hard to grow muscle.
You never know enough to know everything when it comes to bodybuilding.
That’s why I love having the opportunity to get trained by other KIKASS coaches or train with other respected bodybuilders. GREG MOXHAM is not only both of those but a good mate as well. In this video, he takes me through one of many delt workouts he has ticking through his over active head.